06 March 2007

relative weakness watch - tuesday 6 march 2007

update tuesday 1:13pm - indecies are making new highs and these stocks are pretty much wallowing in their own muck.

just like yesterday, if you are interested in shorting in these uncertain times, one of the best methods can be to search out stocks that red or relatively unchanged despite strength in the overall market. as i stumble across them, i'll be posting stocks with shorting potential that are not way green along with the rest of the market.

ALL (10:24am | 59.04)
JOYG (12:38pm | 41.36)
CAT might as well lump it in there with JOYG (1:23pm | 63.33)
OVTI not doing much today (2:41pm)
not very impressive (3:42pm)

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